Improve your scores with Integrated Edusystems Online Preliminary & Main Exam Test Series.
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Read MoreImprove your scores with Integrated Edusystems Online Preliminary & Main Exam Test Series.
Read MoreIntegrated Edusystems is established with the sole aim to provide innovative & creative approach of learning, keeping in mind diversified nature of Civil Services examination. IES relentlessly working to empower individuals to grow up to be extraordinary Civil Servants. IES invites students from diverse backgrounds and continuously working for development of necessary skills with our high-end educational programmes.
We are committed to transform learning aptitude of aspirant from stereotypic to dynamic mode not only to prepare competitive examinations but also succeed in brilliantly modelling their respective career paths and to grow up to be extra-ordinary citizens in this diverse globalised world. IES is known for upholding academic excellence, professionalism and unique technology in imparting knowledge of General Studies, Geography, Zoology for the Civil Services Examination both in English and Hindi mediums. IES programmes follow an Integrated & Interdisciplinary Learning Approach consisting of several distinct stages — mentoring, training programmes for CS entrance, encourage core values to groom aspirant fullest potential, self-evaluation, frequent class tests and answer writing sessions. And the classroom learning is supplemented with meticulously designed study material.